The Road Well-Travelled
(By Mary Coyneen)
We all know of different paths and roads
The happy ones
The slippery ones
The one that I know so well
The road of grief, I’ve travelled
many times too many
The happy ones of ups and downs
My husband, my soul mate, my friend —
We travelled together, living life
Sad times and happy times
Then a crossroad —
The one that stops you dead
in your tracks
And he was gone
He could not stay
By far the hardest road to travel
Compared to a car crash
I’ve heard it said
A good description
I was part of the wreckage
Left alone — to put the pieces back
Left for a while on a roundabout
Needing help to get off
Ask and you shall receive
I’ve also heard it said
And I did
F.O.S.L put me back on track
Not just friends of suicide loss
But also lost
That was me
This road is rough
Now and then it changes
Until I began to see beauty again in Life
I could stop and smell the roses
There were times I needed, though tough
to look back down that road
The one now well-travelled
But I can go on
There’s more flowers along the way
And just like me
They’re growing
Well done Mary. Such a heartfelt poem and so true. I feel for you and understand that road of grief but also agree that you are growing like the many flowers that will cross your path. Xxx
Love your poem Mary. It really gives me an understanding of your grief and also your growth. Congrats.
Unbelievable display of grief process and emotion.
Beautiful poem Mary, reflects the journey so well. ❤ Love the sense of renewed hope in the beauty of the flowers at the end, very inspiring.x.x
Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem about the road you are travelling Mary. I love the imagery of the flowers growing along the way with you Mary. 🌸🌺🌹Isn’t it beautiful how many of us have been inspired to write and share poetry through FOSL and peer support? 💜💚
I to have trodden that path my beautiful wife Margie died 3 years ago, but I had lost her to Dementia several years before that… That pain in me is as raw as the day she died…
Some days I love her more than life itself…
Other days I just hate her for leaving so soon…
Grief, it seems manifests itself in so many ways, but always with tears at the loss… xx 😥
So well written Mary and from the heart. We can all identify with sentiments expressed. A lovely ending to.give us all hope.
Thank you xx
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Mary , what a beautiful poem filled with sadness , happiness and Hope.We shall travel this road together my Friend 💜